
Japanese Anime Series 'Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans' (2016)

Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans: The Unforgettable Story of the Warriors Who Fought for the Future By Jermuel Manarin Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans, also known as Iron-Blooded Orphans, is a Japanese mecha anime television series that aired from 2015 to 2016. The series is set in the Post Disaster era, in which the world has been devastated by a nuclear attack, and follows the story of a group of orphaned child soldiers who are forced to fight for their survival. Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans Nothing has changed in a technologically evolved society. Wars continue to cause devastation throughout history, and people will continue to slaughter humans in an attempt to establish dominion over others. Innocent people suffer as a result of this. Poverty spreads across the population. One of the most heinous aspects is that even youngsters are exploited as instruments. The Calamity War destroyed the world and the government. Now, 300 years later, a new world has emerged, governed by new systems. While ...

Japanese Anime Series 'Akame Ga Kill" (2014)

Akame Ga Kill! is the Fast-Paced, Action-Packed Anime You Need to Watch! By Jermuel Manarin Akame ga Kill is an anime series that aired in 2014. It is based on the manga series of the same name, written by Takahiro and illustrated by Tetsuya Tashiro. The anime was directed by Tomoki Kobayashi and produced by White Fox. Akame Ga Kill Anime Poster The story begins with a young guy called Tatsumi, who travels to the capitol with his two friends, Sayo and Ieyasu. The three planned to earn money to help their poor village by seeking work. However, the three separated along the way, and Tatsumi resumed his journey alone. Tatsumi was astonished when he arrived at the capitol since it was not what he had expected. He witnessed unimaginable corruption from the evil Prime Ministers who ruled over the child Emperor. Tatsumi subsequently discovered the capitol's cruelty when the woman who had shown him kindness was revealed to be a deranged woman who enjoyed torturing innocent bumpkins. He lat...