Japanese Anime Series 'Akame Ga Kill" (2014)
Akame Ga Kill! is the Fast-Paced, Action-Packed Anime You Need to Watch!
Akame ga Kill is an anime series that aired in 2014. It is based on the manga series of the same name, written by Takahiro and illustrated by Tetsuya Tashiro. The anime was directed by Tomoki Kobayashi and produced by White Fox.
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The story begins with a young guy called Tatsumi, who travels to the capitol with his two friends, Sayo and Ieyasu. The three planned to earn money to help their poor village by seeking work. However, the three separated along the way, and Tatsumi resumed his journey alone.
Tatsumi was astonished when he arrived at the capitol since it was not what he had expected. He witnessed unimaginable corruption from the evil Prime Ministers who ruled over the child Emperor. Tatsumi subsequently discovered the capitol's cruelty when the woman who had shown him kindness was revealed to be a deranged woman who enjoyed torturing innocent bumpkins. He later realizes that this woman has also taken in and tortured his friends to death. Tatsumi became enraged and sought revenge, murdering her in the process. The assassin group Night Raid took him in after seeing his combat prowess. Night Raid's mission is to rid the capitol of corrupt officials by killing, which assists the Revolutionary Army in accomplishing this goal.
Akame ga Kill is undoubtedly one of the finest anime of the season. Why? It begins with it does not follow the typical anime trend of the Main Character and his comrades persevering and completing the obstacles they confront while the group remains united. In the series, it is difficult to guess who will die, and this might include the main character of the episode. Another reason for another season is that the plot contains a well-balanced blend of genres. It begins with some comedy, then some action with a dash of romance, but after a few more scenes, the atmosphere suddenly darkens, and the scenarios get even more intense. So, what are you waiting for if you still need to watch it? Start watching now and enjoy it to your heart's content!
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